Yes yes yes. It has been far too long, blogging world. To get me back in the swing of things, I decided to make a little write-up about my top 5 bands right now! In no particular order.
(subject to change within a short period of time)
Death Cab for Cutie - Classic band. Been around for years and years, but sadly I have only been acquainted with them for only about half a year! Our acquaintance is quickly becoming a life-long friendship though. Their indie rock sound fits them perfectly. They definitely do not sound like every other band out there, but they are not extremely indie to the point of where you wonder how they can still classify it as music. And Ben Gibbard, first of all rocks for marrying Zooey Deschanel (mega cool points). Second, is a master at the art of songwriting. Fantastic lyrics. New CD ("Codes and Keys") out at the end of May! Their single "You Are a Tourist" is out and kickin. Song suggestions: Soul Meets Body, Title and Registration, Cath, I Will Follow You Into the Dark, We Looked Like Giants, Lack of Color, Grapevine Fires.
Fleet Foxes - Wow. Wow wow wow. This band is definitely in my "Bands To See Live" list. Every time I listen to "Oliver James", I get goosebumps. The way they sing, its incredible. The harmonies. Ooooooo. Their music is so calming. If you could make "the outdoors/watching a sunset/staring out from a mountain view" into music, it would sound like Fleet Foxes. They are a fairly new band, but their self-titled debut was a success. Their second CD ("Helplessness Blues") is going to be realeased May 3. Can't wait! I also love how they don't really sound like any other band. If you hear one of their songs, you immediately recognize it's them. Song suggestions: Oliver James, Ragged Wood (personal favorite), Mykonos, White Winter Hymnal, Blue Ridge Mountains.
Sleeping At Last - Ever heard of them? Not surprised. I wouldn't have either if it wasn't for their Christmas EP they had on NoiseTrade last winter. Little shout out to NoiseTrade too, great site. They do a great job helping up and coming bands release their music and get their name out. So yes, this band is composed of two guys, Ryan and Dan. I love their music, acoustic chill type. But the HUGE strong point of this band is their lyrics. EVERY SINGLE SONG has fantastic lyrics. They are Christians, so they have a religious tint to alot of their songs, which I personally like. But they don't write the mainstream "We love Jesus" songs. Nothing against those songs, but its good to hear bands that can say the same message in a different, deeper way. And these guys definitely accomplish that task. Probably my favorite Christian band, besides Relient K. Check out their Yearbook EPs on iTunes! It's a project of theirs where they are trying to release an EP every month for one year. They started last October, but all of the EPs released up to this point are still for sale. I have all of them up to January, and I have not wasted one cent. Song suggestions: Next to Me, Umbrellas, Porcelain, 101010, Emphasis, Needle and Thread.

Explosions in the Sky - "A band that has songs with NO lyrics? Are you CRAZY? HOW can they be good???" Well they are. Fact is fact. Yes they are an instrumental band, but if you are like me and have a list of bands you want to see live, add these guys on there right now. I saw them a couple of weeks ago, and I was completely blown away. The greatest part of the show was watching them perform the songs that I had listened to from their CDs. I know that sounds obvious...I mean what else do you see at a concert other than a band playing their songs. But it was different with Explosions. Their music may have no words, but it is far from being void of emotion and feeling. And they perform with that same emotion. It was a sight to see. New CD ("Take Care Take Care Take Care") coming out at the end of this month! Song suggestions: Your Hand in Mine, First Breath After Coma, Birth and Death of a Day, Yasmin the Light.
Muse - Talented. Incredible. Mind-blowing. Nothing like them. And I can say that because I have seen them live. Lead singer and guitarist Matt Bellamy is one of the most talented guitar players in the world by far. I mean you have to be good to get a character in Guitar Hero that's made after you. I am absolutely jealous of his skills. Just the way he uses effects (built-in guitar ones too) makes one go "How in the world would he think to do that???". I love how he uses really distorted effects to get crazy harmonics, and how he has touch pads built into his guitar that let him change effects like delay, pitch, volume, just with a quick swipe. Not to say the bass player and drummer are just average. They excel at their instruments as well. Just a threesome of talent all around that create some great hard-rockin, head bobbin, mosh-pitting music. Love it. Matt has got one heck of a vocal range too. Somehow he can manage to sing constant falsetto for an entire song ("Supermassive Black Hole"). Keep it up guys. Song Suggestions: Uprising, Knights of Cydonia, Stockholm Syndrome, Resistance, United States of Eurasia, Assassin, Plug in Baby, New Born, Hysteria, Map of the Problematique...AND EVERYTHING ELSE.

Well, thats 5! As I said earlier, these are just my top 5 that I have right now. They usually change, depending on what mood I'm in, or if I just find a new band that I get over-excited about. Muse and Sleeping At Last are usuals though. I hope you readers check out these bands! They are worth your attention. And feel free to comment with your top 5 bands as well! Being able to share your opinion of what you enjoy is one of the great things about music.